Write Me Back! Pen Pal Kit (OMG + Heart)

$ 11.00
Brand: EPMFG
SKU: WMB0001
Send a card, get one back! Write Me Back! Pen pal kits make it super easy to write to a friend, and for them to write you back. When you send your card, you'll also send a miniature card and envelope, so your friend can write back to you, right from their mailbox! 

Each kit includes: 
  • One letterpress-printed big card and envelope
  • One letterpress-printed small card and envelope
  • One big sticker sheet
  • Two postage stamps*
  • One pen-pal invitation
  • One sheet of letter-writing prompts
  • Detailed instructions on package
Each kit is 6.25" square.
Design by Ashkahn.

Learn more at @writemebackkit on Instagram and TikTok.

Write me back, no excuses! 

*WMB kits include two USPS Forever stamps for domestic mailing. Feel free to add your own international stamps!